Which Country Do You Identify With?

The Refugee Council of New Zealand got cultural at this year’s Auckland International Cultural Festival in lovely Mt. Roskill. When festival goers were asked which country they most identified with–the wee flags planted on our world map multiplied in droves! We featured some of our favourite famous refugees (Albert Einstein, Bob Marley, Jackie Chan, Anne Frank) and festival goers got to try their hand at refugee knowledge quiz questions that earned them jelly beans–(even when they got the answer wrong!) A fun day with over 500 visitors to stop and chat at our booth alone, including numerous MPs and Dame Susan Devoy.


Donald Trump’s Australia [Opinion Column]

From the New York Time, “Australia is now a nation where, according to an opinion poll from last year, 49 percent support a ban on Muslim immigration, a result so shocking the pollsters did it twice before releasing it. A similar poll the previous year had that figure at 28 percent. Even allowing for the vagaries of polling data, those results signal a remarkable change in a short period.

“I understand the difficulty of Mr. Turnbull’s position. But the reaction here to Mr. Trump represents the resurgence of our worst instincts. We’re doomed if, in the face of this flirtation, the best we can muster is silence.”

[Read more from The New York Times]